Work With Me…

Lisa Moore from The Woman's Sanctum - Smiling Selfie Photograph

When was the last time you allowed yourself to be fully seen and made yourself heard?

We are not meant to live life alone. The support you receive along the way is essential; and real magic happens when women support women.

Lasting change comes from the self, and as a woman, you have the innate power to overcome your obstacles, heal, and live a life free and full of passion.

I have the privilege to walk alongside free-thinking, dynamic, and powerful women on their journey through the different stages of life: pregnancy and birth, loss or release, and the reclamation of motherhood.

I am passionate about being in community with women who take responsibility for their lives, heal their wounds, and do the work to become fully authentic.

Work with me, and I’ll bring my whole, present, honest self to the table.  I will sit with you, listen, and support you. I will be your shoulder to lean on for as long as you need.

I am here to witness you become the powerful, fully embodied goddess of a woman you are.