Pandemic Baby Experience

Pandemic Baby Experience Service - Pregnant Woman Wearing a Mask During COVID Restrictions

60-minute session

► Was your pregnancy, birth or postpartum care affected by the pandemic?
► Were you abandoned by your midwife and told that sticking to the restrictions was more important than your care?
► Are you heartbroken because your family wasn’t allowed to visit you and your new baby?
► Did you miss out on prenatal classes and baby groups with new mums because they were not running?
► Do you feel you cannot voice your sorrow openly because we were in a pandemic and “it was difficult for everyone”?

Everyone made sacrifices during the pandemic, but no one more than a pregnant woman.  The suffering of a mother during the pandemic is widely ignored - be it the lack of prenatal care, or giving birth alone in a hospital, or having her baby taken away for a COVID test, the pandemic impacted every facet of pregnancy.

In these sessions, you’re supported to share your experience of pregnancy and birth during the pandemic, without any COVID judgement.  We’ll work through how your birth was affected by the restrictions and process any feelings of sadness, isolation, or mistreatment that comes from having your baby in this unique period of history.

Each session is 60 minutes and will be held on a Zoom call.