Women’s Life &
Birth Coaching

a place of transformation and inner knowing

Birth Services

For millennia a woman had the innate knowing of birth, trusting her body's natural ability to grow, birth and feed her baby.  But for decades, she has been encouraged to forget her power and to place her trust in the hands of a "system".

Rebirth Coaching

Let’s start a mass remembering, an awakening, a realisation to who and what we truly are.  Woman, you are a glorious goddess, and don’t let anyone, even yourself, tell you different!

Pregnancy Embodiment Programme

This twelve-session programme is tailored to you and your pregnancy.  Regardless of your birth choices, you’ll be supported every step of the way and guided through the entire pregnancy.

Through the pre-birth sessions, we’ll cover your pregnancy in detail, focussing on the emotions that may come up, how to work through any issues with family or the medical system, and how to trust that your body knows what to do.

Once your baby has arrived, we’ll end with a birth debrief, postpartum care and celebration of you!

Throughout the programme, you’ll have me on hand between sessions for text and voice-note support.

The Woman's Sanctum Homepage - Woman After Birth with Newborn Baby and Placenta

“I believe that a woman who births with strength and integrity will bring a child into the world capable of shaping tomorrow's future.”

— Lisa

Who is Lisa?

Lisa Moore from The Woman's Sanctum - Smiling Profile Photograph

Lisa is a life and birth coach, who encourages women to “grow a pair…of ovaries”, to think bigger, and to reclaim life on their own terms.  She’s committed to helping women heal from birth trauma, process their pregnancy loss, and to take back control of their life and place in the world.

More about Lisa…


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